Commitment to Accountability

All In For Sport is dedicated to advancing empowerment and inclusion through sport. For us, this includes people and communities of every ethnicity, faith, religion, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, mental health, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, age, disability, Indigenous status, and level of experience.

AIFS members commit to fostering an encouraging, safe and community driven environment for all that is free from harassment and harm. The AIFS members will strive to uphold these values and show up as their best selves and in the best interest of the mission and collective. This is not an exhaustive list of examples below but it is intended to outline the spirit of intention for a code of conduct for AIFS.

Examples of encouraged behavior by members

  • Being kind, encouraging and courteous to others

  • Using welcoming and inclusive language

  • Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall community

  • Acknowledging preferred gender pronouns

  • Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences

  • Collaborating with other community members, stakeholders and partners

  • Gracefully accepting constructive criticism

  • Welcoming the unknown, ambiguity and possibility

  • Showing up with humility

  • Reflecting on where bias and Intersecting power dynamics may be showing up

  • Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, and learning from the experience

  • If you see something, say something

  • Approaching and listening to others and leading with empathy

Examples of unacceptable behavior by members

  • Implicitly or explicitly offensive comments related to race, ethnicity, faith, religion, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, mental health, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, age, disability, Indigenous status, and level of experience.

  • Unwelcome comments regarding a person's lifestyle choices, practices and request for anonymity

  • Disregarding preferred gender pronouns

  • Gratuitous or off-topic sexual images or messages, including the use of explicit or violent sexual language colloquially

  • Threats or incitement of violence of any kind

  • Deliberate intimidation

  • Unwelcome sexual attention and comments

  • Sustained disruption of discussion

  • Harassment, including persistent attempts to communicate with someone (publicly or privately) after requests are ignored or otherwise declined

  • Publication of non-harassing private communication (e.g. screenshots of personal exchanges) or private personal information (e.g. name, location, identifying details)

  • Harassing other community members in public or private channels

  • Disregarding requests or warnings from community members

  • Engaging in other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting


This code of conduct documentation draws from the inspiration of Annalee Flower Horne's Sample Slack Code of Conduct, Crypto Culture & Society, Equality Fund & Friends With Benefits. Compiled by michellebaldwin.eth

Last updated

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