Proposal 01: Setup a Governance Team

A proposal by @Rowan to establish a governance working group within AIFS.

Proposed by: @Rowan (yeoro.eth)

πŸ—£οΈ Clarity

Submitted: 11/02/2022 Result: Passed βœ…


This is one of two first proposals for AIFS as we bootstrap our governance from a group of people who share an insight and passion for some ideas to a sophisticated flexible network DAO structure that can effectively govern itself across an infinite number of places and contexts.

We are basing this on a core governance principle - that direction comes from community proposals. We don't start with a core team that then decentralises. AIFS goes from zero-to-one by the community proposing and agreeing on what to do next.

As we start this process we leverage the Fist-to-Five decision making method that has already has agreed been agreed to in telegram by our early community.

This proposal is seeking endorsement from the early AIFS community to set up a governance team and get moving on governance design.


SuperBenefit is a DAO that is focused on designing and supporting the infrastructure that will help Web3 evolve towards a positive future for the planet. SB has been working on governance design focused on the kind of fractal branching dynamics we have been talking about in our AIFS conversations.

The DAO Primitive team at SuperBenefit want to partner on this work and contribute to this team. This can be a good early partnership experiment for AIFS that can pave the way to a unique approach to network governance.

This and the Sponsorship and Partnerships team proposal can hopefully evolve into templates for how we set up these partnerships.


Creating a governance team is intended to give us a coherent group of people who can work effectively on designing and implementing the governance for AIFS, in partnership with the rest of the emerging AIFS community.


We set up a governance team in AIFS to hold conversations and make proposals about governance as AIFS evolves into its future shape.

  • The team will be set up with transparency built in. Anyone can see how the team are making decisions and what we are working on at any time.

  • It will also be open for anyone in the network to come along and contribute to.

  • And crucially, having this team doesn't stop anyone else in the AIFSs network from developing different governance ideas and approaches and proposing them to the community as well (this is not about creating exclusive control of the governance design of the network).

  • The main goal of this proposal is to set up a space and structure for focused work on AIFS governance. We will aim to get a small group of people together to collaborate on AIFS governance to get started.


  • There is already good momentum around governance in the AIFS community. We have some early design models in the AIFS Figjam and a bunch of people wanting to contribute.

  • @Rowan and @Shanny_NFT#4955 are committed to this work. The SuperBenefit DAO Primitive team (Lead by Rowan) want to partner on this work as well.

  • Several others in the AIFS community have expressed interest in being involved as well

First Steps

  • Put out a call to the people already involved in AIFS conversations to pull in interested contributors.

  • Set up a team structure and tools to provide transparency to the community and help the team function effectively.


  • Please respond to the Fist-to-Five on the proposal in the AIFS Telegram.

πŸ—³οΈ Voting Result

Votes: πŸ–οΈ: 5 Result: Passed

Last updated