πŸ—ΊοΈDAO Overview

Information and agreements related to roles and working groups within AIFS.

All In For Sport is an experiment to bring together diverse communities in web3 and sports to partner in developing a perpetual funding mechanism for community initiatives that advance inclusion and empowerment through sport around the world.

In pursuit of this purpose, we are developing a novel DAO structure to make this innovation and scale possible. AIFS is designed as a community driven "centerless network". More detail about the governance principles that underpin this ongoing evolution of AIFS's structure can be found here.

Here is a simple outline of the AIFS governance model which is reflected in this DAO State documentation:

DAO State

All in For Sport's governance is held in its "dao state". This is the updatable record of the collective decisions the AIFS community has made. It is access-controlled and version-controlled so that it can carry a high degree of trust. It outlines the key agreements, policies and standards that make the AIFS network a coherent (and legally compliant) whole. This dao state and the accompanying governance documentation also contain the mechanisms for how decisions are made in AIFS and how the dao state itself can be changed and evolved over time by the community.

Governance Structure

All in For Sport uses a 2 house governance model which includes:

  1. Community Governance

  2. Operational Governance

Community Governance

This is the broad community of stakeholders who support (and have supported AIFS in different ways - including as founders, contributors, partners, funders etc. They collectively engage in governance activities - mostly through making and voting on community proposals. This governance structure protects and evolves the Purpose of AIFS and ensures that the activities of the larger AIFS network are in alignment with our stated Purpose.

All in For Sport's community governance is set up as a UNA (Unincorporated Nonprofit Association). This UNA wraps the main AIFS treasury and provides limit of liability protection for people (members) who participate in community governance. In order for this UNA to be valid, AIFS needs to comply with our TUNAA operating agreement (Trustless Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Agreement).

Operational Governance

Operational activities in AIFS are performed by a network of working groups (called CELLS). These CELLS are small autonomous teams that perform the activities of AIFS. These CELLS then coordinate together making collective decisions using a sociocratic governance model. The highest level "CELL of CELLS" (team of teams) is considered the "DAO Advisory Group" for the purposes of the TUNAA operating agreement.

Operational governance decides which activities funding from the treasury should be allocated towards (with each CELL of CELLS and then each individual CELL making their own decisions about how to spend their allocation) but the overall budget for operational governance is approved by Community Governance. This gives Community Governance ultimate say over the direction that the AIFS network is moving in, but not granular decision-making over specific activities.

As stated above AIFS is an experiment, we are evolving towards the design outlined above and as a result the details around how this structure will work will change over time. This governance state will track these changes and should accurately reflect the state of AIFS at any particular point in time.

Policies, Standards and Guides for making proposals to community governance and other ways of participating in AIFS governance and interacting with this governance state, are outlined in the governance state itself as well as in the accompanying AIFS governance docs.

Governance Spaces

Discussions around All In For Sport governance, including new proposals, are hosted on Commonwealth. All DAO members are encouraged to constructively participate in governance discussions:

All In For Sport uses Snapshot to record votes for all official matters of the DAO. Members are encouraged to join our voting space to cast their vote on active proposals.

Designated Smart Contracts

All In For Sport uses Polygon as its primary home network for governance and membership tokens. Other networks, such as Ethereum Mainnnet, may be used as needed.

Treasury Multisig Contract (Safe)

Token Contracts

Smart contracts controlling tokens issued by All In For Sport

Primary Badge Contract

Polygon Mainnet: 0xeed76f3d0de104827357b37aa2f0ce3701e4ae28

Last updated